An Author Interview: 1. How long have you been writing YA novels?
Since 2004. I started out in women’s romance, then shifted to YA when my teenage daughters wanted romances without the smut. I wrote Falling for Romeo, Magic Hands and Nailed for them – light, romantic comedies with plenty of sexual tension minus graphic sex.
2. Where did the idea for Overprotected come about?
All of my books are a combination of events from my own life to one degree or another. I’m an only child, I had overprotective parents. My cousin, also an only child, lived in Chicago and NYC. She lived in circumstances similar to Ashlyn’s. I loved the idea of creating a love triangle that was different: father, daughter, love interest. I know the frustration of living with overprotective parents and I thought it was a natural boundary to write about and an interesting tie for the love triangle.
3. How do you feel the readers will connect & identify with Ashlyn?
Some will wonder how anyone could endure living with parents like that. The story is a coming-of-age story. Each of us experiences our own coming-of-age, even though our circumstances are different. We all want independence. Independence, freedom to love and choose are universal themes everyone can relate to.
4. What challenged you the most while writing Overprotected?
Forgetting the first drafts of the book I wrote. I’ve written the story 3 different ways, from different POVs. It was hard allowing the characters new freedom to “go” in different directions in this version.
5. Who is considered your favorite author?
I like authors for different reasons. I adore Josephine Hart ( DAMAGE ) – she’s a wordsmith. No one paints a picture like Nora Roberts ( HONEST ILLUSIONS ) and I love Markus Zusak’s tight writing in ( FIGHTING RUBEN WOLFE )
6. Do you have any crazy quirks or habits while writing?
Popping on Twitter while writing. I used to drink soda but don’t anymore. L I love Rockstar, and my ode to the energy drink became Fiona’s addiction. Each book has a soundtrack I listen to day and night while writing a project – that little habit helps me jump back into writing.
7. Who has been your biggest supporter as a writer? My two daughters and husband.